mixing apparatus中文什么意思

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  1. Fourthly , a new high pressure gas mixing apparatus is established , and experimental procedures for gas mixing and multicomponent gas adsorption test are suggested . tests of multicomponent gas adsorption of ch4 + n2 and ch4 + co2 on different coals are performed , and the predicting model for multicomponent gas adsorption is optimized , which can guide the enhanced cbm recovery process by injection of co2 or n2 gas
    研制出混配气装置并建立了多组分吸附实验方法,进行了不同煤对ch _ 4 + n _ 2和ch _ 4 + co _ 2多组分气体的吸附实验,讨论了多组分气体吸附的变化规律并优选出多组分吸附预测模型,为注气增产工艺提供了理论依据。


  1. mixing and blowing 什么意思
  2. mixing and grinding machine 什么意思
  3. mixing and kneading machine 什么意思
  4. mixing and milling regulations 什么意思
  5. mixing and reaction chamber 什么意思
  6. mixing apron 什么意思
  7. mixing ark 什么意思
  8. mixing arm 什么意思
  9. mixing arrangement 什么意思
  10. mixing at site 什么意思


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